Slide out menu with i18N : Menu « GUI Components « JavaScript DHTML

Slide out menu with i18N

  <!-- these two are not necessary, they are for the layout of this page itself; not transmenus. -->
  <!-- styles.css -->
  <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
#wrap {
    border:1px solid black;
#menu {
    border-bottom:1px solid white;
    padding:4px 0;
#menu a {
    padding:4px 10px;
#menu a.hover {
#menu span {
#img {

#subnav {
#subnav a {
#subnav span {

  <!-- these two are required for transmenus to function -->
  <!-- transmenu.css -->
  <style rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
/* this is the clipping region for the menu. it's width and height get set by script, depending on the size of the items table */
.transMenu {

/* this is the main container for the menu itself. it's width and height get set by script, depending on the size of the items table */
.transMenu .content {

/* this table comprises all menu items. each TR is one item. It is relatively positioned so that the shadow and background transparent divs can be positioned underneath it */
.transMenu .items {
  left:0px; top:0px;
  } .items {

/* each TR.item is one menu item */
.transMenu .item {
  /* this is a hack for mac/ie5, whom incorrectly cascades the border properties of the parent table to each row */

/* this DIV is the semi-transparent white background of each menu. the -moz-opacity is a proprietary way to get transparency in mozilla, the filter is for IE/windows 5.0+. */
/* we set the background color in script because ie mac does not use it; that browser only uses a semi-transparent white PNG that the spacer gif inside this DIV is replaced by */
.transMenu .background {
  left:0px; top:0px;

/* same concept as .background, but this is the sliver of shadow on the right of the menu. It's left, height, and background are set by script. In IE5/mac, it uses a PNG */
.transMenu .shadowRight {
  top:3px; width:2px;

/* same concept as .background, but this is the sliver of shadow on the bottom of the menu. It's top, width, and background are set by script. In IE5/mac, it uses a PNG */
.transMenu .shadowBottom {
  left:3px; height:2px;

/* this is the class that is used when the mouse is over an item. script sets the row to this class when required. */
.transMenu .item.hover {

/* this is either the dingbat that indicates there is a submenu, or a spacer gif in it's place. We give it extra margin to create some space between the text and the dingbat */
.transMenu .item img {
  <script language="javascript">
/* =================================================================================================
 * TransMenu 
 * March, 2003
 * Customizable multi-level animated DHTML menus with transparency.
 * Copyright 2003-2004, Aaron Boodman (
 * =================================================================================================
 * "Can I use this?"
 * Use of this library is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License. You can check it 
 * out at:
 * Basically: You may copy, distribute, and eat this code as you wish. But you must give me credit 
 * for writing it. You may not misrepresent yourself as the author of this code.
 * =================================================================================================
 * updates:
 * 04.19.04 fixed cascade problem with menus nested greater than two levels.
 * 12.23.03 added hideCurrent for menu actuators with no menus. renamed to TransMenu.
 * 04.18.03  fixed render bug in IE 5.0 Mac by removing that browser from compatibility table ;)
 *      also made gecko check a little more strict by specifying build no.
 * ============================================================================================== */

// Configuration properties
TransMenu.spacerGif = "img/x.gif";                     // path to a transparent spacer gif
TransMenu.dingbatOn = "img/submenu-on.gif";            // path to the active sub menu dingbat
TransMenu.dingbatOff = "img/submenu-off.gif";          // path to the inactive sub menu dingbat
TransMenu.dingbatSize = 14;                            // size of the dingbat (square shape assumed)
TransMenu.menuPadding = 5;                             // padding between menu border and items grid
TransMenu.itemPadding = 3;                             // additional padding around each item
TransMenu.shadowSize = 2;                              // size of shadow under menu
TransMenu.shadowOffset = 3;                            // distance shadow should be offset from leading edge
TransMenu.shadowColor = "#888";                        // color of shadow (transparency is set in CSS)
TransMenu.shadowPng = "img/grey-40.png";               // a PNG graphic to serve as the shadow for mac IE5
TransMenu.backgroundColor = "white";                   // color of the background (transparency set in CSS)
TransMenu.backgroundPng = "img/white-90.png";          // a PNG graphic to server as the background for mac IE5
TransMenu.hideDelay = 1000;                            // number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a menu
TransMenu.slideTime = 400;                             // number of milliseconds it takes to open and close a menu

// Internal use properties
TransMenu.reference = {topLeft:1,topRight:2,bottomLeft:3,bottomRight:4};
TransMenu.direction = {down:1,right:2};
TransMenu.registry = [];
TransMenu._maxZ = 100;

// Static methods
// supporting win ie5+, mac ie5.1+ and gecko >= mozilla 1.0
TransMenu.isSupported = function() {
        var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var pf = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
        var an = navigator.appName;
        var r = false;

        if (ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1 && navigator.productSub >= 20020605) r = true; // gecko >= moz 1.0
        else if (an == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
                if (document.getElementById) { // ie5.1+ mac,win
                        if (pf.indexOf("mac") == 0) {
              r = /msie (\d(.\d*)?)/.test(ua) && Number(RegExp.$1) >= 5.1;
            else r = true;

        return r;

// call this in onload once menus have been created
TransMenu.initialize = function() {
        for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) {

// call this in document body to write out menu html
TransMenu.renderAll = function() {
        var aMenuHtml = [];
        for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) {
                aMenuHtml[i] = menu.toString();

// TransMenu constructor (only called internally)
// oActuator            : The thing that causes the menu to be shown when it is mousedover. Either a
//                        reference to an HTML element, or a TransMenuItem from an existing menu.
// iDirection           : The direction to slide out. One of TransMenu.direction.
// iLeft                : Left pixel offset of menu from actuator
// iTop                 : Top pixel offset of menu from actuator
// iReferencePoint      : Corner of actuator to measure from. One of TransMenu.referencePoint.
// parentMenuSet        : Menuset this menu will be added to.
function TransMenu(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, parentMenuSet) {
        // public methods
        this.addItem = addItem;
        this.addMenu = addMenu;
        this.toString = toString;
        this.initialize = initialize;
        this.isOpen = false; = show;
        this.hide = hide;
        this.items = [];

        // events
        this.onactivate = new Function();       // when the menu starts to slide open
        this.ondeactivate = new Function();     // when the menu finishes sliding closed
        this.onmouseover = new Function();      // when the menu has been moused over
        this.onqueue = new Function();          // hack .. when the menu sets a timer to be closed a little while in the future
    this.ondequeue = new Function();

        // initialization
        this.index = TransMenu.registry.length;
        TransMenu.registry[this.index] = this;

        var id = "TransMenu" + this.index;
        var contentHeight = null;
        var contentWidth = null;
        var childMenuSet = null;
        var animating = false;
        var childMenus = [];
        var slideAccel = -1;
        var elmCache = null;
        var ready = false;
        var _this = this;
        var a = null;

        var pos = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? "top" : "left";
        var dim = null;

        // private and public method implimentations
        function addItem(sText, sUrl) {
                var item = new TransMenuItem(sText, sUrl, this);
                item._index = this.items.length;
                this.items[item._index] = item;

        function addMenu(oMenuItem) {
                if (!oMenuItem.parentMenu == this) throw new Error("Cannot add a menu here");

                if (childMenuSet == null) childMenuSet = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.right, -5, 2, TransMenu.reference.topRight);

                var m = childMenuSet.addMenu(oMenuItem);

                childMenus[oMenuItem._index] = m;
                m.onmouseover = child_mouseover;
                m.ondeactivate = child_deactivate;
                m.onqueue = child_queue;
        m.ondequeue = child_dequeue;

                return m;

        function initialize() {
                ready = true;

        function show() {
                if (ready) {
                        _this.isOpen = true;
                        animating = true;
                        elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "visible";
                        elmCache["clip"].style.zIndex = TransMenu._maxZ++;
                        //dbg_dump("maxZ: " + TransMenu._maxZ);

        function hide() {
                if (ready) {
                        _this.isOpen = false;
                        animating = true;

                        for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) 

                        if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide();


        function setContainerPos() {
                var sub = oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem; 
                var act = sub ? oActuator.parentMenu.elmCache["item"][oActuator._index] : oActuator; 
                var el = act;
                var x = 0;
                var y = 0;

                var minX = 0;
                var maxX = (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.width);
                var minY = 0;
                var maxY = (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.height);

                // add up all offsets... subtract any scroll offset
                while (sub ? el.parentNode.className.indexOf("transMenu") == -1 : el.offsetParent) {
                        x += el.offsetLeft;
                        y += el.offsetTop;

                        if (el.scrollLeft) x -= el.scrollLeft;
                        if (el.scrollTop) y -= el.scrollTop;
                        el = el.offsetParent;

                if (oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem) {
                        x += parseInt(;
                        y += parseInt(;

                switch (iReferencePoint) {
                        case TransMenu.reference.topLeft:
                        case TransMenu.reference.topRight:
                                x += act.offsetWidth;
                        case TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft:
                                y += act.offsetHeight;
                        case TransMenu.reference.bottomRight:
                                x += act.offsetWidth;
                                y += act.offsetHeight;

                x += iLeft;
                y += iTop;

                x = Math.max(Math.min(x, maxX), minX);
                y = Math.max(Math.min(y, maxY), minY);

                elmCache["clip"].style.left = x + "px";
                elmCache["clip"] = y + "px";

        function slideStart() {
                var x0 = parseInt(elmCache["content"].style[pos]);
                var x1 = _this.isOpen ? 0 : -dim;

                if (a != null) a.stop();
                a = new Accelimation(x0, x1, TransMenu.slideTime, slideAccel);

                a.onframe = slideFrame;
                a.onend = slideEnd;


        function slideFrame(x) {
                elmCache["content"].style[pos] = x + "px";

        function slideEnd() {
                if (!_this.isOpen) elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden";
                animating = false;

        function initSize() {
                // everything is based off the size of the items table...
                var ow = elmCache["items"].offsetWidth;
                var oh = elmCache["items"].offsetHeight;
                var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

                // clipping container should be ow/oh + the size of the shadow
                elmCache["clip"].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize +  2 + "px";
                elmCache["clip"].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + 2 + "px";

                // same with content...
                elmCache["content"].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize + "px";
                elmCache["content"].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + "px";

                contentHeight = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize;
                contentWidth = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize;
                dim = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? contentHeight : contentWidth;

                // set initially closed
                elmCache["content"].style[pos] = -dim - TransMenu.shadowSize + "px";
                elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden";

                // if *not* mac/ie 5
                if (ua.indexOf("mac") == -1 || ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1) {
                        // set background div to offset size
                        elmCache["background"].style.width = ow + "px";
                        elmCache["background"].style.height = oh + "px";
                        elmCache["background"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.backgroundColor;

                        // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].style.height = oh - (TransMenu.shadowOffset - TransMenu.shadowSize) + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor;

                        // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth - shadowOffset 
                        // pixels wide (we don't want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we 
                        // get an extra bright bottom-right corner)
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"] = oh + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.width = ow - TransMenu.shadowOffset + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor;
                // mac ie is a little different because we use a PNG for the transparency
                else {
                        // set background div to offset size
                        elmCache["background"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.backgroundPng;
                        elmCache["background"].firstChild.width = ow;
                        elmCache["background"].firstChild.height = oh;

                        // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng;
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.width = TransMenu.shadowSize;
                        elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.height = oh - (TransMenu.shadowOffset - TransMenu.shadowSize);

                        // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth - shadowOffset 
                        // pixels wide (we don't want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we 
                        // get an extra bright bottom-right corner)
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng;
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"] = oh + "px";
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.height = TransMenu.shadowSize;
                        elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.width = ow - TransMenu.shadowOffset;
        function initCache() {
                var menu = document.getElementById(id);
                var all = menu.all ? menu.all : menu.getElementsByTagName("*"); // IE/win doesn't support * syntax, but does have the document.all thing

                elmCache = {};
                elmCache["clip"] = menu;
                elmCache["item"] = [];
                for (var i = 0, elm = null; elm = all[i]; i++) {
                        switch (elm.className) {
                                case "items":
                                case "content":
                                case "background":
                                case "shadowRight":
                                case "shadowBottom":
                                        elmCache[elm.className] = elm;
                                case "item":
                                        elm._index = elmCache["item"].length;
                                        elmCache["item"][elm._index] = elm;

                // hack!
                _this.elmCache = elmCache;

        function initEvents() {
                // hook item mouseover
                for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) {
                        item.onmouseover = item_mouseover;
                        item.onmouseout = item_mouseout;
                        item.onclick = item_click;

                // hook actuation
                if (typeof oActuator.tagName != "undefined") {
                        oActuator.onmouseover = actuator_mouseover;
                        oActuator.onmouseout = actuator_mouseout;

                // hook menu mouseover
                elmCache["content"].onmouseover = content_mouseover;
                elmCache["content"].onmouseout = content_mouseout;

        function highlight(oRow) {
                oRow.className = "item hover";
                if (childMenus[oRow._index]) 
                        oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOn;

        function dehighlight(oRow) {
                oRow.className = "item";
                if (childMenus[oRow._index]) 
                        oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOff;

        function item_mouseover() {
                if (!animating) {

                        if (childMenus[this._index]) 
                        else if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide();

        function item_mouseout() {
                if (!animating) {
                        if (childMenus[this._index])
                        else    // otherwise child_deactivate will do this

        function item_click() {
                if (!animating) {
                        if (_this.items[this._index].url) 
                                location.href = _this.items[this._index].url;

        function actuator_mouseover() {

        function actuator_mouseout() {

        function content_mouseover() {
                if (!animating) {

        function content_mouseout() {
                if (!animating) {

        function child_mouseover() {
                if (!animating) {

        function child_deactivate() {
                for (var i = 0; i < childMenus.length; i++) {
                        if (childMenus[i] == this) {

        function child_queue() {

    function child_dequeue() {

        function toString() {
                var aHtml = [];
                var sClassName = "transMenu" + (oActuator.constructor != TransMenuItem ? " top" : "");

                for (var i = 0, item = null; item = this.items[i]; i++) {
                        aHtml[i] = item.toString(childMenus[i]);

                return '<div id="' + id + '" class="' + sClassName + '">' + 
                        '<div class="content"><table class="items" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">' + 
                        '<tr><td colspan="2"><img src="' + TransMenu.spacerGif + '" width="1" height="' + TransMenu.menuPadding + '"></td></tr>' + 
                        aHtml.join('') + 
                        '<tr><td colspan="2"><img src="' + TransMenu.spacerGif + '" width="1" height="' + TransMenu.menuPadding + '"></td></tr></table>' + 
                        '<div class="shadowBottom"><img src="' + TransMenu.spacerGif + '" width="1" height="1"></div>' + 
                        '<div class="shadowRight"><img src="' + TransMenu.spacerGif + '" width="1" height="1"></div>' + 
            '<div class="background"><img src="' + TransMenu.spacerGif + '" width="1" height="1"></div>' + 

// TransMenuSet
// iDirection           : The direction to slide out. One of TransMenu.direction.
// iLeft                : Left pixel offset of menus from actuator
// iTop                 : Top pixel offset of menus from actuator
// iReferencePoint      : Corner of actuator to measure from. One of TransMenu.referencePoint.
TransMenuSet.registry = [];

function TransMenuSet(iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint) {
        // public methods
        this.addMenu = addMenu;
        this.showMenu = showMenu;
        this.hideMenu = hideMenu;
        this.hide = hide;
        this.hideCurrent = hideCurrent;

        // initialization
        var menus = [];
        var _this = this;
        var current = null;

        this.index = TransMenuSet.registry.length;
        TransMenuSet.registry[this.index] = this;

        // method implimentations...
        function addMenu(oActuator) {
                var m = new TransMenu(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, this);
                menus[menus.length] = m;
                return m;

        function showMenu(oMenu) {
                if (oMenu != current) {
                        // close currently open menu
                        if (current != null) hide(current);        

                        // set current menu to this one
                        current = oMenu;

                        // if this menu is closed, open it
                else {
                        // hide pending calls to close this menu

        function hideMenu(oMenu) {
                //dbg_dump("hideMenu a " + oMenu.index);
                if (current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) {
                        //dbg_dump("hideMenu b " + oMenu.index);
                        if (!oMenu.hideTimer) scheduleHide(oMenu);

        function scheduleHide(oMenu) {
                //dbg_dump("scheduleHide " + oMenu.index);
                oMenu.hideTimer = window.setTimeout("TransMenuSet.registry[" + _this.index + "].hide(TransMenu.registry[" + oMenu.index + "])", TransMenu.hideDelay);

        function cancelHide(oMenu) {
                //dbg_dump("cancelHide " + oMenu.index);
                if (oMenu.hideTimer) {
                        oMenu.hideTimer = null;

        function hide(oMenu) {   
                if (!oMenu && current) oMenu = current;

                if (oMenu && current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) {

        function hideCurrent() {
        if (null != current) {
          current.hideTimer = null;
          current = null;

// TransMenuItem (internal)
// represents an item in a dropdown
// sText        : The item display text
// sUrl         : URL to load when the item is clicked
// oParent      : Menu this item is a part of
function TransMenuItem(sText, sUrl, oParent) {
        this.toString = toString;
        this.text = sText;
        this.url = sUrl;
        this.parentMenu = oParent;

        function toString(bDingbat) {
                var sDingbat = bDingbat ? TransMenu.dingbatOff : TransMenu.spacerGif;
                var iEdgePadding = TransMenu.itemPadding + TransMenu.menuPadding;
                var sPaddingLeft = "padding:" + TransMenu.itemPadding + "px; padding-left:" + iEdgePadding + "px;"
                var sPaddingRight = "padding:" + TransMenu.itemPadding + "px; padding-right:" + iEdgePadding + "px;"

                return '<tr class="item"><td nowrap style="' + sPaddingLeft + '">' + 
                        sText + '</td><td width="14" style="' + sPaddingRight + '">' + 
                        '<img src="' + sDingbat + '" width="14" height="14"></td></tr>';

// Accel[erated] [an]imation object
// change a property of an object over time in an accelerated fashion
// obj  : reference to the object whose property you'd like to animate
// prop : property you would like to change eg: "left"
// to   : final value of prop
// time : time the animation should take to run
// zip  : optional. specify the zippiness of the acceleration. pick a 
//      number between -1 and 1 where -1 is full decelerated, 1 is 
//      full accelerated, and 0 is linear (no acceleration). default
//      is 0.
// unit  : optional. specify the units for use with prop. default is 
//      "px".
// bezier functions lifted from the lib_animation.js file in the 
// 13th Parallel API.

function Accelimation(from, to, time, zip) {
  if (typeof zip  == "undefined") zip  = 0;
  if (typeof unit == "undefined") unit = "px";

        this.x0         = from;
        this.x1    = to;
  this.dt    = time;  = -zip;
  this.unit  = unit;
  this.timer  = null;
  this.onend  = new Function();
        this.onframe    = new Function();

// public methods

// after you create an accelimation, you call this to start it-a runnin'
Accelimation.prototype.start = function() {
  this.t0 = new Date().getTime();
  this.t1 = this.t0 + this.dt;
  var dx  = this.x1 - this.x0;
  this.c1 = this.x0 + ((1 + * dx / 3);
  this.c2 = this.x0 + ((2 + * dx / 3);

// and if you need to stop it early for some reason...
Accelimation.prototype.stop = function() {

// private methods

// paints one frame. gets called by Accelimation._paintAll.
Accelimation.prototype._paint = function(time) {
  if (time < this.t1) {
    var elapsed = time - this.t0;
  else this._end();

// ends the animation
Accelimation.prototype._end = function() {

// static methods (all private)

// add a function to the list of ones to call periodically
Accelimation._add = function(o) {
  var index = this.instances.length;
  this.instances[index] = o;
  // if this is the first one, start the engine
  if (this.instances.length == 1) {
    this.timerID = window.setInterval("Accelimation._paintAll()", this.targetRes);

// remove a function from the list
Accelimation._remove = function(o) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) {
    if (o == this.instances[i]) {
      this.instances = this.instances.slice(0,i).concat( this.instances.slice(i+1) );
  // if that was the last one, stop the engine
  if (this.instances.length == 0) {
    this.timerID = null;

// "engine" - call each function in the list every so often
Accelimation._paintAll = function() {
  var now = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) {

// Bezier functions:
Accelimation._B1 = function(t) { return t*t*t }
Accelimation._B2 = function(t) { return 3*t*t*(1-t) }
Accelimation._B3 = function(t) { return 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t) }
Accelimation._B4 = function(t) { return (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) }

//Finds the coordinates of a point at a certain stage through a bezier curve
Accelimation._getBezier = function(percent,startPos,endPos,control1,control2) {
  return endPos * this._B1(percent) + control2 * this._B2(percent) + control1 * this._B3(percent) + startPos * this._B4(percent);

// static properties

Accelimation.instances = [];
Accelimation.targetRes = 10;
Accelimation.timerID = null;

// IE win memory cleanup

if (window.attachEvent) {
  var cearElementProps = [

  window.attachEvent("onunload", function() {
        var el;
        for(var d = document.all.length;d--;){
            el = document.all[d];
            for(var c = cearElementProps.length;c--;){
                el[cearElementProps[c]] = null;

  <script language="javascript">
    function init() {
      // if supported, initialize TransMenus
      // Check isSupported() so that menus aren't accidentally sent to non-supporting browsers.
      // This is better than server-side checking because it will also catch browsers which would
      // normally support the menus but have javascript disabled.
      // If supported, call initialize() and then hook whatever image rollover code you need to do
      // to the .onactivate and .ondeactivate events for each menu.
      if (TransMenu.isSupported()) {

        // hook all the highlight swapping of the main toolbar to menu activation/deactivation
        // instead of simple rollover to get the effect where the button stays hightlit until
        // the menu is closed.
        menu1.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("liguria").className = "hover"; };
        menu1.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("liguria").className = ""; };

        menu2.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lombardia").className = "hover"; };
        menu2.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lombardia").className = ""; };

        menu3.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("veneto").className = "hover"; };
        menu3.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("veneto").className = ""; };

        menu4.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("toscana").className = "hover"; };
        menu4.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("toscana").className = ""; };

        menu5.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lazio").className = "hover"; };
        menu5.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lazio").className = ""; };

        document.getElementById("umbria").onmouseover = function() {
          this.className = "hover";

        document.getElementById("umbria").onmouseout = function() { this.className = ""; }

<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 bgcolor="white" onload="init()">
  <div id="banner"></div>
  <div id="content">
    <h1>TransMenus Demo</h1>

    <div id="wrap">
      <div id="menu">
        <a id="liguria" href="#">Liguria</a>
        <a id="lombardia" href="#">Lombardia</a>
        <a id="veneto" href="#">Veneto</a>
        <a id="toscana" href="#">Toscana</a>
        <a id="umbria" href="#">Umbria</a>
        <a id="lazio" href="#">Lazio</a>


  <script language="javascript">
  // set up drop downs anywhere in the body of the page. I think the bottom of the page is better.. 
  // but you can experiment with effect on loadtime.
  if (TransMenu.isSupported()) {

    // create a set of dropdowns
    // the first param should always be down, as it is here
    // The second and third param are the top and left offset positions of the menus from their actuators
    // respectively. To make a menu appear a little to the left and bottom of an actuator, you could use
    // something like -5, 5
    // The last parameter can be .topLeft, .bottomLeft, .topRight, or .bottomRight to inidicate the corner
    // of the actuator from which to measure the offset positions above. Here we are saying we want the 
    // menu to appear directly below the bottom left corner of the actuator
    var ms = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.down, 1, 0, TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft);

    // create a dropdown menu
    // the first parameter should be the HTML element which will act actuator for the menu
    var menu1 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("liguria"));
    menu1.addItem("Ventimiglia", ""); 
    menu1.addItem("Cinque Terre", ""); // send no URL if nothing should happen onclick

    var submenu0 = menu1.addMenu(menu1.items[1]);
    submenu0.addItem("Monterosso", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Manorola", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Corniglia", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Rio Maggiore", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Vernazza", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Apartment", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Via del Amore", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Rocky beach", "");
    submenu0.addItem("Swimming hole", "");

    var submenu00 = submenu0.addMenu(submenu0.items[0]);

    var menu2 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("lombardia"));
    menu2.addItem("Milano", "");

    var submenu1 = menu2.addMenu(menu2.items[0]);
    submenu1.addItem("Galeria", "");
    submenu1.addItem("Duomo", "");
    submenu1.addItem("Castle", "");

    var menu3 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("veneto"));

    var submenu2 = menu3.addMenu(menu3.items[0]);
    var submenu3 = menu3.addMenu(menu3.items[1]);

    submenu2.addItem("Hostel", "");
    submenu2.addItem("Piazza Erba", "");
    submenu2.addItem("Castle", "");
    submenu2.addItem("Arena", "");

    submenu3.addItem("Piazza San Marco", "");
    submenu3.addItem("Lagoon", "");
    submenu3.addItem("Hotel", "");
    submenu3.addItem("Chichetti", "");
    submenu3.addItem("Doge's Palace", "");

    var menu4 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("toscana"));
    menu4.addItem("Florence", "");
    menu4.addItem("Sienna", "");
    menu4.addItem("Montelicino", "");
    menu4.addItem("Orvieto", "");

    var submenu4 = menu4.addMenu(menu4.items[0]);
    var submenu5 = menu4.addMenu(menu4.items[1]);

    submenu4.addItem("Hostile", "");
    submenu4.addItem("Duomo", "");
    submenu4.addItem("Pitti Palace", "");
    submenu4.addItem("Ponte Vecchio", "");

    submenu5.addItem("Il Campo", "");
    submenu5.addItem("Roman Center", "");
    submenu5.addItem("Duomo", "");

    var menu5 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("lazio"));
    menu5.addItem("Roma", "");

    var submenu6 = menu5.addMenu(menu5.items[0]);
    submenu6.addItem("Appian Way", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Trastevere", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Pantheon", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Palantine Hill", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Colloseum", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Forum", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Trevi Fountain", "");
    submenu6.addItem("St. Peter's", "");
    submenu6.addItem("Vatican Museum", "");

    // write drop downs into page
    // this method writes all the HTML for the menus into the page with document.write(). It must be
    // called within the body of the HTML page.


       11 k)

Related examples in the same category

1.Application Menubar Example
2.[DOM Menu] :: Example 1 :: Horizontal Menu
3.[DOM Menu] :: Example 2 :: KDE Keramik Style Menu
4.[DOM Menu] :: Example 3: 'Revenge of the Menubar' Style Menu
5.[DOM Menu] Example 4: Vertical Menu
6.[DOM Menu] :: Example 5 :: Two Menus
7.[DOM Menu] :: Example 6 :: Flash Hiding
8.Menu bar for an inner fake window
9.Fly in Menu item
10.Not too fancy menu with toolbar
11.Custom Contextual Menu(content sensitive)
12.Drop-Down Menus
13.Menu with sound
14.Menu based on Javascript
15.popup menu (content sensitive menu)
16.Complete Source Code for the Menu
17.Slide out menu
18.Dynamic menu: fly in
19.Menu and submenu
20.Menu: XP, win 98 style
21.Simple drop-down menu example with layer
22.Build a simple fancy menu
23.Add/delete menu items
24.Customizable layout: customize menu layout
25.Vertical layout menu
26.Easy skinable menu with CSS
27.Menu Item properties
28.Direct link menu
29.Context menu: popup menu
30.Black Menu
31.Dropdown menu